On life support.




  • Website: Exit
  • Address: 10534 82 Ave NW, Edmonton, AB T6E 2A4
  • Private Booking: Yes
  • Price: $23.81 per person
  • Duration: 60 minutes
  • Linearity: Linear
  • Group size: #medium
  • Player Level: #competent
  • Features:
  • Premise: “This is the first time you have ever witnessed a real life autopsy. As the autopsy progresses, you eagerly jot down notes, learning everything you can… but when you finally take your eyes off the body to peek at your fellow students, you realize an eerie chill has swallowed the entire room. Suddenly, a chilling scream cut through the silence. Finally looking back at the door, your eyes widen at the horrific sight… Is that blood coming from beneath the door?”


Service eighteight eighteight
Puzzles sixsix sevenseven
Look sevenseven sevenseven
Immersion sevenseven sevenseven
Theme sevenseven sevenseven


Service eighteightPAULIE

It always seems like the folks at Clinic are on auto-pilot. Despite asking how many rooms you’ve done, they still go through the same spiel of explaining how locks work.


The staff was friendly and got us in and out quickly.

Puzzles sixsixPAULIE

EXIT is always reliable with delivering standard puzzles. Nothing new, nothing special, nothing extraordinary. The puzzles here were no different. There were just too many that involved reading and discerning tiny little details from a stack of patient files which felt lazy and made for a very tedious experience.


What I’ve found from EXIT is that the puzzles require you to pick out very small details from the room, and Clinic was no exception. I’m actually kind of surprised we made it out! There were a few puzzles where the answer could be a bunch of things, and it was then up to you to trial them all on the lock you were trying to open – this kind of puzzle design is a bit clunky.

Look PAULIEsevenseven

The room starts off in the waiting room and ends in a morgue. It looked appropriately like a clinic but with an inexplicable eerie feeling in the overall look.


It did look like a clinic. I thought this room was nice in that it didn’t go too overboard with decor, but it also wasn’t too empty.

Immersion sevensevenPAULIE

Having the cadaver exposed the entire time was a very clever way to build up suspense throughout the entire experience. There was just too much bottlenecking here resulting from the puzzle design that made for a disengaged game.


Part of the immersiveness was from our group members being too scared to progress in the room. Otherwise, there wasn’t anything special that made the room particularly immersive.

Theme sevensevenPAULIE

There’s always that feeling of they could have done more to maximize the theme. Again, there was nothing special here.


Hospital themes are abundant, and I didn’t find that Clinic did anything to separate itself from the crowd. The puzzles were thematically appropriate and so was the look.

Overall PAULIEsilver-955496_960_720

The room was like hospital food–nothing special, satiates you in the moment, but leaves you wanting more. It gets a #silver. This room would benefit from extra resuscitation.


I would give this room a #silver. It’s not a must-do, but it’s also not a terrible experience.

  • Completed: January 2017
  • Escaped? Yes (5 people)
  • Our Time: 0:44
  • # of hints used: 3

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